Blir så ledsen och arg
När jag får se sådant här :

Some kids placed typical christmas strong firecracker in the mouth of this animal and made sure he could not open it.
The world is like this. To these kids it must have been a macabre fun for a few minutes and then they continued with their lifes like nothing happened.
To this animal his life ended during those minutes, with a pain so deep that is better to forget. If you are against the mistreatment of animals, >>SHARE<< this so that more people see what we are capable to do and how inhumane we could be.

Some kids placed typical christmas strong firecracker in the mouth of this animal and made sure he could not open it.
The world is like this. To these kids it must have been a macabre fun for a few minutes and then they continued with their lifes like nothing happened.
To this animal his life ended during those minutes, with a pain so deep that is better to forget. If you are against the mistreatment of animals, >>SHARE<< this so that more people see what we are capable to do and how inhumane we could be.
Postat av: Emma-Lee
Fy fan vad vidrigt! Äckliga människor!
Postat av: Cilla
Fy fan vad hemskt!!!:( Vad är det för föräldrar som uppfostrar sådana ungar till att göra sådant?? Hoppas de fick rejäla straff trots att de "bara" är skitungar...
Postat av: hanzo-fan
jag skulle ha valt den där hundens liv över en människas när som helst!
angående ungarna. ta in de i ett plan flyg ut över stilla havet och släng ut de! vidriga morsaknullare